Team XSockets.NET

Lifetime events

There are several lifetime events on controller level.


Will be triggered when a new instance of a controller is created. That is when the clients sends the init command or communicates on a controller that is not yet initialized.


Will be triggered when the socket is closed or when the client sends the close command


Will be triggered when the client connect and pass in a PersistentId with the handshake. It is up to the client implementation to pass in the previously used PersistenId.

Sample code

We can override all of the lifetime events in the controller to just log information when each event occur.

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using XSockets.Core.Common.Socket.Event.Interface;
using XSockets.Core.Common.Utility.Logging;
using XSockets.Core.XSocket;
using XSockets.Core.XSocket.Helpers;
using XSockets.Plugin.Framework;

namespace XSocketsTutorial
    public class Bar : XSocketController
        public override async Task OnMessage(IMessage message)
            Composable.GetExport<IXLogger>().Information("OnMessage {@m}", message);
            await this.InvokeToAll(message);

        public override async Task OnOpened()
            Composable.GetExport<IXLogger>().Information("OnOpened {p}", this.PersistentId);
            await base.OnOpened();

        public override async Task OnClosed()
            Composable.GetExport<IXLogger>().Information("OnClosed {p}", this.PersistentId);
            await base.OnClosed();

        public override async Task OnReopened()
            Composable.GetExport<IXLogger>().Information("OnReopened {p}", this.PersistentId);
            await base.OnReopened();

Now we can use Putty (again) to trigger these events.


By sending the init command to the bar controller the method OnOpened was invoked and we can see the output in the log.



By sending the close command to the bar controller the method OnClosed was invoked and we can see the output in the log.



To trigger the OnReopened method we have to pass in the PersistentId with the handshake. So I copied the PersistentId we got from the connections and will pass it in with the new handshake.

I will send the handshake like this.


When the init command is sent it will OnOpened, but also OnReopened


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