Team XSockets.NET

Adding custom methods

In the introduction section we took a look at how to use the OnMessage method. We also described how the framework will decide what method to invoke.

So let's add a few custom methods.

public class MyController : XSocketController
    public override async Task OnMessage(IMessage message)
        await this.InvokeToAll(message);

    public async Task Foo()
        //Send a message to all clients with the topic 'say'
        await this.InvokeToAll("Foo: Hello to all","foo");

    public async Task Bar(string message)
        //Send out the message that was sent in to all clients
        await this.InvokeToAll(string.Format("Bar: {0}",message),"bar");

We now expect the OnMessage to be hit whenever the topic and parameter does not match the other methods. But if we call Foo with no parameters or Bar with a string we expect those method to be hit.

We try this in the easiest way by using Putty.


We connect to localhost on the port configured. In my case 9090.

connect 9090

Then I pass the handshake for the PuttyProtocol by just sending PuttyProtocol


Send a message that should hit the OnMessage method

We send the topic Baz since there is no method defined for that. Do note that I do not have to use the controller suffix in the controller name.


Send a message to the Foo method

We will just call the MyController and the method Foo, but not pass in any data since the Foo method has no parameters


Send a message to the Bar method

Similar to the previous call to Foo, but this time we also pass in additional data since Bar expects a string.


Parameter types?

The simple putty protocol will not allow us to send any complex object without changing the way serialization is done. That is out of topic for now. You can however change to other built-in types such as int

public async Task Bar(int message)
    //Send out the message that was sent in to all clients
    await this.InvokeToAll(string.Format("Bar: {0}", message), "bar");

and the call the method like

int param

results matching ""

    No results matching ""